
Fabulous reads – YA book offers positive experience

Book review - The Square Root of Summer by Harriet Reuter Hapgood.

The Square Root of Summer, Harriet Reuter Hapgood, Pan Macmillan, ISBN: 978 1 5098 0828 1

WHAT a surprising read this was for me. The Square Root of Summer is an enjoyable and different YA book, with a few mathematic complications added in for good measure.

With more than 1 000 online reviews and ratings, it has fast become a popular and enjoyable read among youth and adults.

Gottie (Margot) recently lost her beloved grandfather, Grey, and is in deep mourning. Her father and eclectic brother remain and as a family they muddle their way through life together in the most unconventional way. While it has the usual family, friendship and romantic entanglements, the book has a refreshing view and take on life.


To throw a little mix into the storyline, Gottie is experiencing time travel into the past when Grey was alive, making the already fun read a little more interesting. With a love from a previous summer hanging around constantly, a childhood friend moving in with her already unusual family, it ensures the story has enough twists and turns to keep the reader entertained and intrigued throughout.

A few physics equations, a lot of pain and a great deal of love makes this a lovely story to disappear into. It is time travel done well and there is the subject of self-healing which tops even that. You will be pleasantly surprised how long this book stays with you after you’ve consumed each of the words on its pages.

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