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DionWired marks new learning era at West Park

"I believe that disability is only disabling if society fails to create an enabling environment for people with disabilities," Director of DionWired, Nazim Cassim.

WEST Park Special School received a SMARTboard donation from DionWired on Wednesday, 30 November. The school is among three to receive this sponsorship as a means to change the lives of children with disabilities for the better. This revolutionary teaching tool is an online, interactive, touch screen white board that adds a whole new dimension to teaching by enabling classmates with varying disabilities to participate in lessons that they ordinarily would not be able to participate in.

Principal, Les Perumal, said that interactive technology is the new way.

“This marks a new era of teaching and learning for us as well as other special schools. There is no doubt that whatever happens in class now will have an invariable impact on our learners. They will go out into the world with the full knowledge that they will achieve independence. DionWired, we thank you for choosing our school,” he said. The total value of the SMARTboards donation, including specialised software and equipment, is R248 000 and, to date, the company has donated 77 boards across the country.

DionWired Director, Nazim Cassim, explained that they believe in making a positive contribution to special needs education in South Africa. “I believe that disability is only disabling if society fails to create an enabling environment for people with disabilities. I would like to applaud the staff of West Park Special School for the outstanding work they do in educating children with special needs. As a responsible corporate, DionWired is committed to bringing the latest in technology to schools such as the West Park Special School, to back up its efforts in empowering learners and investing in their lives,” he said.

As a token of appreciation, learners performed songs and dance items while the staff wore blue, the electronic and appliance store’s signature colour.

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