
Powerful play commemorates Lenny Naidoo

Tickets are R120 each for the public performances and booking is through Computicket.

A POWERFUL new play commemorating the life of the late political activist, Lenny Naidu, will be staged at the Playhouse Drama Theatre in Durban from 21 to 31 July.

Written and narrated by Jayshree Parasuramen and starring Rahul Brijnath, Lenny tells a moving human story about a man who gave his life for the struggle for freedom of the people of South Africa. It is directed by Themi Venturas,

Venturas said there is nothing more exciting than being part of a team that are primary creators. “Being the first director ever to stage this new play is a thrill. It is also, as always, quite daunting, especially when it is about a person for whom many still have a living memory. How do you give the drama its necessary impetus without messing with the actual facts in history? Where does the poetic license begin and end? It is very tricky. Suffice to say that the historical facts, people, and incidents are all correct. The playwright has some license to write what she believes was actually said behind closed doors between some of the characters, and while these scenes may be a little fictional the ethos is not,” said Venturas.

Parasuramen said Lenny is a story to remind us of the journey of our unsung heroes, who despite many challenges were determined to bring about change, whose struggle should never be extinguished from our minds. “It is a play that will further strengthen relations with people across the race barriers, bringing about unity. It is set to capture the hearts of all South Africans as Lenny fought for the oppressed no matter their colour,” added Parasuramen.

Further casting features Savy Ramsamy as Lenny’s mother Neela, and Yashik Singh plays the activist’s best friend, Richard. Others in the cast include Yateen Dayaram, Warrick Frank and Nqobile Mthembu.

Tickets are R120 each for the public performances and booking is through Computicket on 0861 915 8000 or online at www.computicket.com. Alternatively call the Playhouse Box Office on 031-369 9540 or 031-369 9596 (office hours). Tickets for the school performances are R30 per pupil. To secure school bookings, or for further information, call 072 926 0692, 083 610 9931 or 031-826 5585 (o/h).

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