
St Mary’s supports Tekkie Tax Day

A percentage of all proceeds from the civvies day and sale of stickers and laces will go to CANSA.

ST Mary’s DSG will be celebrating Tekkie Tax Day on Friday, 27 May.

The school has chosen to support Tekkie Tax and the Cancer Association of South Africa as one of their outreach programmes.

National Tekkie Tax Day is a fundraising campaign for non-profit organisations. It has been part of the South African calendar for three years already and will be celebrated on 27 May this year.

Revd Gill Padoa, school chaplain, said, “The theme for our outreach this year is ‘Each one reach one’, because we believe if everyone of us reaches out to someone, we will make a great impact in our communities”

Every girl is involved in hands-on outreach. The girls can choose which initiative they wish to support by purchasing a R15 Tekkie Tax sticker to support education, the disabled, animals, children or to bring hope.

Tekkie laces are on sale for R35 and that also includes a sticker of their choice.

A percentage of all proceeds from the civvies day and sale of stickers and laces will go to CANSA.

Robyn Briggs from CANSA is very excited and grateful that the school has chosen this initiative.

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