
Dhlomo condems attack on a Westville female doctor

Dr Ramdeen’s house was ransacked and three vehicles were stolen along with other items.

KZN Health MEC, Sibongiseni Dhlomo, visited the family of the Kwa Dabeka Community Health Centre CEO and medical manager who was attacked at her home in Westville on Thursday night, 26 May.

Dr Jayshree Ramdeen is said to have been accosted by four thugs while she was watching TV with her two daughters. All four intruders were armed with guns.

Dr Ramdeen’s house was ransacked and one of the daughters was badly assaulted and had to be rushed to the hospital. She has since been discharged, but all the victims are still reeling from the trauma.

The robbers drove off with three Mercedes Benz vehicles that were parked in the property. They also took wallets, bank cards, cell phones and house and gate keys. The only car that was spared is said to have been left behind because one of the robbers failed to drive it.

Dhlomo said thugs have no value for human life and when they pounce they are just fuelled by greed and never care about the significance of their target to the society as a whole.

“We are just relieved that the lives of these innocent souls were not lost, but strongly condemn this callous act of invading and attacking people in the sanctuary of their home. These thugs could have robbed the whole community of Kwa Dabeka of one of their leading lights, a very industrious doctor who we all depend upon for the upliftment of the health status of the community there,” said Dhlomo.

The matter is now in the hands of the police and Dhlomo said he hoped these thugs will soon be apprehended. He also said the department will look into the possibility of transferring Dr Ramdeen husband, a doctor too, from Port Shepstone Hospital back to Durban.

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