
Security guards escapes Crestholme shootout

A gang of four men opened fire on an armed response officer last Wednesday.

A BLUE Security armed response officer had a lucky escape after a gang of four armed robbers opened fire on his vehicle in Hillands Road in Crestholme last Wednesday.

Blue Security’s operations manager, Brian Jackson, said the armed response officer came under fire when he arrived in response to an alarm activation at about 9.50am.

“Four armed robbers opened fire on our officer as he pulled up at the entrance of the driveway, shooting out the back tail light of his vehicle. Our officer fired several shots in return and was lucky to escape unharmed,” he said.

Jackson said the robbers had held up a domestic worker on the property at gunpoint. “The gang forced open the driveway gate and cut a padlock on the kitchen security gate before breaking down the door. They held up the domestic worker at gunpoint and ransacked the property and fled with televisions, laptops and game consoles. The domestic worker was traumatised but otherwise not injured during the robbery,” he said.

Hillcrest SAPS attended the scene of the crime.

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