
VIDEO: Litres of water wasted in Pinetown

The water and sanitation department took hours to fix a meter that had been stolen in Kings Road.

WITH the country experiencing a drought, hundreds of litres of water were wasted outside a flat in Kings Road, Pinetown on Tuesday.

One of the occupants, Linda Edmunds, said the water started gushing out in the early hours of the morning after the water meter was stolen.

The Highway Mail went to investigate at around 1.30pm and found that the meter had not been replaced, and found a pool of water in the road.

Edmunds said they had reported the matter several times and were told that municipal workers would be sent out.

“We are told each and every day to save water and the municipality cannot send somebody to deal with this matter or switch the water off. It has been almost 10 hours and it is now difficult to enter and exit the premises as the entrance is now flooded,” she said.

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