
A sincere thank-you to Frances, my guardian angel

Lost driver thanks Pinetown resident for helping her find her way through to Hillcrest.

EDITOR – On Tuesday, 29 March, I flew up from Cape Town to attend a family function the following day. I picked up my rental car from King Shaka Airport around 4.15pm and headed off to Hillcrest armed with a map and directions to the B&B where I had arranged to stay.

I was the driver with no ‘co-pilot’ to rely on for advance road instructions but I was aware at various stages that I was on the correct section of the M2 and M3. However, with increasing rush-hour traffic around me, I found myself taking an unavoidable exit. Driving along roads totally unfamiliar to me, massive roadworks through Pinetown, taxis everywhere, fading light, my feeling of desperation and being lost was increasing dramatically.

Eventually I found myself in a residential area of Pinetown while trying to find something that might look familiar on a signpost. In the distance I saw a female figure walking along the road and I felt sure this person would be able to help me out. I stopped and asked if she would be kind enough to direct me towards Hillcrest.

Well long story short – we did manage to exchange first names and after Frances had been writing various instructions down for me she then said: “I will fetch my car (she lived a short distance away) and I will drive you to Gillitts and you can follow me. When I get you to the correct spot I will put my hazard lights on and then you just keep going straight ahead.”

Well this is exactly what Frances did. After driving a fair distance, maybe about five kilometres I saw her hazard lights come on – all I could do was roll my window down and indicate thumbs up to her. This was the only way I could say thank you. After reaching my Hillcrest destination, I wondered how it would be possible to trace Frances to say thank you. My family mentioned the Highway Mail newspaper as they felt sure most people living in the surrounding areas would have access to it.

So Frances, I would love you to please contact me on e-mail pamein08@gmail.com. With my very grateful thanks and appreciation for so much kindness.

Pam Meinesz

Diep River

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