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Fireworks: 4 tips to help protect your pets

Fireworks cause animals great distress, fear and suffering as their hearing is far more acute than that of humans

AS fireworks season approaches, the SPCA appeals to the community to prepare and to take steps to protect their pets.

The loud bangs which very often accompany fireworks cause animals great distress, fear and suffering as their hearing is far more acute than that of humans. Some animals cause injury to themselves by jumping through glass windows, over spiked fences or by running into traffic.

The SPCA offered the following advice which will help reduce the amount of stress your pets experiences over this period.

1. Please ensure that your animals have some form of identity for example a collar and tag or microchip.

2. If your pets are particularly frightened of fireworks, staying at home with your pets would be first prize, alternatively to ensure someone is able to watch them for you or keep your pets inside and draw the curtains and play calming music.

3. Entertain your pets by giving them something to chew on or play with, catnip is a great idea for cats.

4. Consult your vet or local SPCA for various calming medication.

“We especially appeal to everyone celebrating using fireworks to use those fireworks without the loud bags, to be considerate of animals, their neighbours and community members who may also suffer and to abide by the laws and regulations pertaining to the use of fireworks,” said Lisa Gadd, PR officer for Kloof and Highway SPCA.

Stray and lost animals can be taken to the Kloof and Highway SPCA where there are standby kennels 24 hours a day. For injured animals or emergencies, call 031-7641212/3 office hours or 073 335 9322 after hours.

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