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Police, students square off at Edgewood Campus

Police had to use a water cannon, teargas and rubber bullets to disperse striking students.

EMOTIONS ran high at UKZN Egdewood Campus in Pinetown as students protested inside the campus over registration fees.

Campus security, police and the Red Ants were called to intervene as the situation got out of hand.

A water cannon, tear gas and rubber bullets were used to disperse the striking students who also threw stones at the police.

Student representatives tried to talk to the two parties with no success.

An angry student said they do not understand why the police are shooting at them as they are fighting for their rights.

“The management is letting the police damage the student residential areas, there are innocent people in those rooms.

“The windows are open, students will get injured, there are even pregnant women in there,” said an angry student.

The students complained about the registration fee that has increased from R3250 to R6500.

“The closing date to register has been moved to early February. Other parents get paid at the end of the month, so that means we will not register to study next year,” said a student. The UKZN strike started last week at the Westville campus and yesterday at The Edgewood campus.

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