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Electricity scam surges through Highway

Residents are warned to be wary when receiving phone calls regarding a supposed electricity survey.

A NEW telephone scam is said to be plaguing residents in the Highway area.

According to Tex Collins, the PR councillor for Ward 9, the main target for the group are individuals that reside in complexes.

“I have received numerous calls from residents claiming that they have received phone calls from men who claim to be from some sort of Electrical Alliance company and are contacting said residents on behalf of the municipality,” said Collins.

The fraudster then tells the residents they are conducting a survey with regards to electricity usage and their manager will contact them to verify the information a few minutes later.

“They receive a phone call from the manager who verifies their details and attempts to make an appointment and gives the resident a vague time as to when they will arrive.

“This is to either find out whether the person will be at home so they can break in, or has an opportunity to gain access to the complex and the home and make note of security devices and return at a later stage,” said Collins.

He noted that the municipality, nor Eskom, is conducting any surveys as they would be widely publicised prior to their commencement.

“If any residents receive this kind of phone call, I urge them to shut the fraudster down and contact either myself or Rick Crouch immediately,” concluded Collins.

Contact Tex Collins on 082 492 1422 or Rick Crouch on 073 418 6996.

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