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Paddlers gear up for cycling race

Hundreds of cycling enthusiasts are set to tackle the challenging Dusi2c race from 21 to 22 June.

A NUMBER of canoeists who tackled the Valley of 1000 Hills in February for the Dusi Canoe Marathon will return to the valley on their BMXs for the 2014 BSi Steel Dusi2c from 21 June.

Heading up a strong contingent from the Western Cape is Stellenbosch student and reigning Dusi K1 champion Lance Kime, who will pair up with fellow paddler, Murray Haw, for the two-day race through the valley.

Following a busy canoeing season, Kime said he enjoyed that he can be involved in a sport that he did not have to be completely competitive in, although there would be some form of competition among himself and his friends.

“I enjoy getting into the social aspect of the race and just go along with my mates. I don’t take the race seriously, but we will have some sort of friendly bet among us!” he added.

The BSi Steel dusi2c will also include Eric Bothma, a paddler who has completed the most Non-stop Dusi’s.

“I have actually never seconded a Dusi before,” the 18-time Non-stop Dusi finisher said. “I would probably get lost in the valley because it is so different from the banks and that’s the irony of the whole thing,” Bothma chuckled.

Bothma has been involved in races along a similar route that the dusi2c incorporates and, with his winter passion being mountain biking, he decided that it was a great race to become involved in when the first edition launched last year.

The passion for taking part in events that run through the Valley of a Thousand Hills stems from his canoeing background and he adds that he feels privileged to participate in events that run through this landscape.

“Paddling the Dusi for so many years has definitely increased my passion for the area and we are so lucky to have such events right on our doorstep,” said Bothma.

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