Ten wacky cures for a hangover

‘Tis the season... of excess and indulgence!

For many, the festive season was the perfect opportunity to loosen up, feel better about cheating on a strict diet, and maybe spend a little more than usual.

The chances are, you may find yourself indulging more than you usually do, and then regretting it the next morning when you wake up with a mouth drier than the desert and a raging headache that seems to get worse as the day goes by.

We have compiled a list of some of the strangest hangover cures from around the world. Give them a try – they might just work for you!

  1. Namibia – The morning after a heavy session, Namibians traditionally drink Buffalo Milk. However, the concoction does not actually have any actual buffalo mil in it… instead, it’s just clotted cream, dark rum, spiced rum, cream liqueur and whole cream.
  2. Germany – Germans indulge in a katerfrühstück, or ‘hangover breakfast’. This is usually a plate of rollmops (raw, pickled herring} wrapped around pieces of gherkin and onion. On an empty stomach.
  3. Canada – The Canadians seem to have the right idea! After last rounds are called, Canadians head off for some poutine – a bowl of thick cut French fries with chunks of Canadian cheese curd, smothered in gravy. It’s apparently better than it sounds.
  4. Sicily – Dried bull penis… In days of old, Sicilians would apparently cure hangovers with dried bull penis, which was said to restore virility.
  5. Poland – A glass of pickle juice. The Polish claim this vinegary concoction helps cure headaches and alleviate discomfort.
  6. Ancient Greece – Ancient Greeks treated hangovers with sheep lungs and owl eggs for breakfast.
  7. Japan – The Japanese deal with hangovers with umeboshi. This is a pickled and dried ume fruit, which is almost too sour to eat. To solve this, it is sometimes steeped in green tea. The fruit is similar in look to a plum.
  8. USA – Raw eggs. This may be difficult to stomach, but the raw egg (also called a Prairie Oyster) is popular as a hangover cure. The mixture includes a whole raw egg, Worcestershire sauce, hot sauce and salt and pepper.
  9. Bangladesh – Coconut water apparently replenishes the electrolytes lost during drinking, and is completely natural.
  10. South Africa – Apparently, an ostrich egg omelette is all a South African needs. One ostrich egg is the equivalent of 24 chicken eggs!
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