
20 Things everyone loves to hate

These things can change your mood from good to bad in a split second.

WE bencounter things that they aren’t used to or are not in favour of every day, but we have to deal with these, or simply ignore them.

There are however, times when it is simply impossible to get over a certain something which ends up bugging you enough that you really let rip!

Without further ado, here is our list of 20 things that can change your mood from good to bad in a split second:

1. No wifi

2. Loud chewing

3. Traffic

4. Low battery

5. Alarms

6. Buffering

7. No water or electricity

8. Hypocrites

9. Petrol price increases

10. Joffrey Baratheon – The baddest of bad fictional characters from Game Of Thrones

11. Stepping on something wet with socks

12. Someone stealing your parking space

13. Intrusive people

14. Burnt food

15. Lies

16. When something recorded cuts before the ending

17. People dragging their feet

18. Not being able to find your phone

19. People talking to you while your headphones are on

20. Trailers and adverts before a movie at the cinema

Article regards of Mid South Cost Mail.

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