
First impression do’s and don’ts for any new relationship

Whether you’re meeting a potential employer or future ‘bae’, making a good first impression is crucial.

BE IT on a date, job interview or meeting your future in-laws, a good first impression is of utmost importance.

Here are few tips on what you can or can’t do with someone you’re meeting for the first time to ensure a successful first meeting:

• Dress to impress – If you look the part, you may just get the part, whether it’s the job of your dreams or you’re trying to get into your in-laws’s good books.

• Don’t be a conversation hog – Not everything is about you so give others a chance to speak. Over talking might give off egotistical vibes and belittle the person you’re talking to.

• Be punctual – We all know the saying ‘Better late than never’, but if you’re super late for a job interview or date, you may as well hide your face and not show up at all because neither person would want to keep in contact with someone who comes across as if they don’t have time for anyone.

• Do not look desperate – Never ever beg! Whether you’re begging a future employer for a job position or begging someone you just met to instantly become part of your life just after the first date. You should not look like you need them more than you actually do (even though you might). Make the other person come to you.

• Do not pay constant attention to your phone – If you need to have your phone for a personal emergency, by all means have it at hand. If not, rather put it on silent or vibrate mode so it’s not a bother to the person you’re meeting.

• Do not tell lies – What good is establishing any new relationship based on lies, be it personal or professional. Also stay away from fabricating any information about yourself.

• Have a good attitude – Be friendly but firm. You do not want to seem like an over the top goofball or the grumpiest being known to man kind. A friendly smile and relaxed and civil tone will do.

Article regards of South Coast Herald.

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