
Three inch leech found in woman’s nose

The Scottish woman sometimes saw a reddish mass protruding from her nostril.

Article regards of South Coast Herald.


We have all suffered from a blocked nose at some stage, but hopefully not for the same reason as the unfortunate Daniela Liverani (24).

An article which appeared on the Huffington Post website quotes the Daily Record as reporting that Ms Liverani was found to have had a 3-inch leech living in her nose for more than a month.

Ms Liverani, who lives in Edinburgh, Scotland, began experiencing nosebleeds while travelling in Vietnam. Initially, she thought she may have burst a blood vessel after falling from a motorcycle.

The Record article adds that Ms Liverani sometimes saw a reddish mass protruding from her nostril and, thinking it was a blood clot, reportedly “just sniffed him back up.”

Shortly after returning home, she examined the inside of her nose and realized that the problem was not a clot, but  a 3-inch-long leech, about as wide as a thumb.

Doctors at Edinburgh’s Royal Infirmary were able to pull the leech out.


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