Criminals are preparing for Christmas too – here’s what to look out for

If you are hijacked, never, ever resist.

The Silly Season is almost upon us. It is two months before Christmas, and most people are starting to go all out to make some extra income and ensure that turnover is high enough to pay salaries and possibly also bonuses.

If that is the mentality of businesses, what do you think happens in the criminal world?

Information provided by Pro Active South African.

Social media will explode with information on how to remain safe. You will start seeing big operations being conducted by the SAPS and Law Enforcement in conjunction with security service providers nationally.

Be safe and vigilant over the next few month and report any suspicious behaviour to your local SAPS and security service provider.

Our biggest mistake as drivers is thinking “It won’t happen to me”, but unfortunately, it can happen to anyone.

Here are a few golden rules to take into consideration while on the road.




Before leaving:

  1. Don’t use your cellphone while approaching your vehicle.
  1. Take a stroll around your vehicle to confirm that there is no one lurking around or inside before you enter.
  1. If your child is in the car, let them sit behind the driver. This will ensure that the driver can remove and shield the child with their backs towards the hijackers / suspects.
  1. Ensure both number plates are on the vehicle and no papers are stuck to the rear or front windows of your vehicle. This is a trend used by suspects to lure you into stopping while your vehicle is running to either retrieve the number plate or remove the papers.
  1. Place all valuable items out of sight, either under the seat or in the boot of your vehicle. Smash and grabs are on the increase.
  1. Ensure your windows and doors are closed and locked before leaving.
  1. Plan your route before departure.

While driving:

  1. Stay off your phone. Not only are you at risk for being involved in an accident, you are also placing your fellow drivers at risk.  Put your phone on silent and out of reach while driving.
  1. Be vigilant at all times and report any suspicious behaviour to the SAPS and your local security service provider.
  1. If your windscreen or tyre is damaged while driving, drive to a well lit area before stopping to inspect the damage.
  1. Do not stop for anyone that might indicate they are in need of help in deserted or high risk areas. Contact Law Enforcement, the SAPS or security company to assist.
  1. Take a different route daily when leaving home or returning home. Criminals pounce on the fact that we are following the same routine and routes.
  1. Though there is a misconception that only certain makes and models are being stolen or hijacked, but if there is a need for a certain make or model vehicle in the vehicle crime market,  any vehicle can become a target.
  1. Keep your music or radio volume low, eliminating distractions and be extra vigilant 1 km from your destination, ensuring that you are not being followed.
  1. Park parallel to your home, opening the gate prior to  pulling into the driveway. Parking in your driveway while opening your gate might get you boxed in.

If you are hijacked:

  1. Never, ever resist the attacker or suspects.
  1. Keep your hands visible at all times as the hijackers are as nervous as you are.
  1. Be submissive and listen to instructions.
  1. Do not resist once you have exited the vehicle.
  1. Indicate to the hijackers that you have a child in the backseat and remove the child by shielding him / her as much as possible.
  1. Remain calm and try to identify any useful information about the hijackers without staring at them.
  1. Create time and space as quickly as possible between yourself and the threat.

Take note of the language:

Count the number of voices.

Listen to the information the hijackers share among themselves and possibly via cellphone.

Estimate the height of the hijackers by comparing it to your own height.

Identify any clothing, markings and shoes worn by the hijackers. Some change their clothes but forget to change their shoes.

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