
Flying duo Strauss and Snyman bags the win in Cartrack Ermelo National Rally

The starting list consisted 24 vehicles taking to the track on Friday, 9 September.

ERMELO – A spent turbo and two broken shocks later, but Strauss and Snyman still managed to bag a win in the Cartrack Ermelo National Rally on 10 September.

The starting list consisted 24 vehicles taking to the track on Friday, 9 September.

With the first stage being in his backyard, Strauss had a distinct edge over the pack and demonstrated that he had invested the necessary time to master his craft.

They completed the Pirelli Prologue in 4:22.

It was bad news for fellow Ermelo driver Wors Prinsloo and navigator André Vermeulen in their Mitsubishi Evo, after they broke down and unfortunately stayed down for the count after only the first stage.

Rinus Plomp and Hannes van Niekerk finished second in the A-Class, followed by Carl van As and Devon Mellet in third.

In the B-Class, Cobus and Jayson Groenwald won, with Johan de Bruin and Wally de Bruyn and Marnoe van Niekerk and Jakus Olivier finishing second and third, respectively.

Pierre de Clercq and Chantelle Burrows took the honours in the C-Class.

Rob Sartain and Tertius du Preez were second with Drian le Grange and Yvonne Theunissen third.

Natie Booysen and Johan Smit conquered the D-division followed by Anru and Juan van Jaarsveld in second and Evert Erasmus and Nico van der Merwe in third.

Cobus Groenewald, the organizer and participant, thanked Cartrack, the local farmers who made their farms available, Ligbron Academy of Technology, and all the local businesses and sponsors who helped make the day a success.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

Videos credit: | mary_jane_mavericks Photos: Ⓒ Wayne van der Walt


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