LETTER: Request for responsible garbage disposal practices

Furthermore, these torn bags are a particular danger to curious children and wildlife that may come into contact with sharp objects or harmful substances inadvertently left exposed.

Freedom Front Plus councillor, Shobie Arnoldi writes:

I want to address an issue that has been prevalent in our communities all over the municipality for some time now and to urge fellow residents to adopt responsible garbage disposal practices.

One of the recurring problems we face in our neighbourhoods is the premature placement of garbage bags on the streets the night before the scheduled collection. While I understand that individuals may wish to have their waste collected promptly, this practice often leads to unintended consequences that negatively impact the cleanliness and appearance of our streets.

Allow me to highlight two significant concerns associated with this behaviour.

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Firstly, the presence of these bags on the streets overnight attracts dogs, which often tear them open, spreading litter across our sidewalks and lawns. This not only creates an unsightly mess but also poses a potential health hazard, as the scattered garbage can attract pests and spread foul odors.

Furthermore, these torn bags are a particular danger to curious children and wildlife that may come into contact with sharp objects or harmful substances inadvertently left exposed.

Secondly, by placing our garbage bags out prematurely, we risk the possibility of individuals intentionally or unintentionally tampering with them. Some individuals may open the bags in search of recyclable items, causing further littering and potential hazards. Moreover, the bags may become vulnerable to vandalism or interference, compromising the cleanliness of our neighbourhood.

Remnants of torn garbage bags. Photo | Provided by Shobie Arnoldi

To combat these issues and maintain the cleanliness of our community, I would like to encourage all residents to follow a few simple guidelines when disposing of their garbage:

I would like to express my gratitude to the local waste management team for their diligent efforts in collecting our garbage and maintaining the cleanliness of our streets.

Let us support their work by being responsible citizens and implementing these simple guidelines.

I kindly request the cooperation of all residents in addressing this issue. Together, we can create a cleaner, more attractive community that we can all be proud of.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope that by raising awareness through the Highvelder, we can bring about positive change and foster a cleaner and more responsible neighbourhood.

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