
{LETTER} – Vote for change

Why do you allow empty promises, a free T-shirt and a food parcel during election time to make you vote for more poverty and unemployment?

Realistic* writes:

Msukaligwa’s infrastructure has collapsed and this is due to the mismanagement of the municipality’s finances:

  • Potholes
  • Sewage in the streets
  • No water or dirty water
  • Street lights that are not working
  • Load-shedding• High unemployment statistics
  • Poor service delivery
  • Poor debt collection which is creating a culture of default on municipal payments
  • Litter scattered everywhere

Generally, Msukaligwa is falling apart!

The blame lies squarely with the ANC and the voters who keep voting for them.

It is through poor leadership, poor decision making, corruption, lack of maintenance and unattainable promises to voters that Ermelo is put in the poor situation it currently is. And the future looks even bleaker.

Twenty seven years ago you may have seen yourself today as an independent person with a job, earning a good income, with a decent house and vehicle and where you take good care of your family while living in a country of prosperity and law and order.

That were the expectations that was set for everyone by the ANC, but in reality today you might be sitting in your house unemployed, hungry and cold in poor conditions, worried about your family and the uncertainties of tomorrow as well as living costs that are sky-high.

Nobody wants to live like this. Nobody was supposed to live like this.

The truth is that if you continue voting for the current ruling party, you are unfortunately complicit in these conditions.

It also makes no sense to continue voting for the obviously incapable ANC and then to toi-toi or complain about the miserable circumstances they have created for yourself and others.

If, after all these years, you have not yet seen the consequences of your votes and come to the realisation that your circumstances are not actually going to improve by voting ANC then you will probably never gain insight and thus never see an improvement in your circumstances.

Do ANC voters not realise by this time that only a small group within in the ruling party enrich themselves while the vast majority of citizens are still suffering and are unemployed?

Why do you allow empty promises, a free T-shirt and a food parcel during election time to make you vote for more poverty and unemployment?

Radical parties are not the answer either.

African history has proven time and time again that radical and extreme parties cause greater disorder and further poverty and famine.

In South Africa, this includes some of the parties advocating expropriation without compensation and those who romanticise about Zimbabwe’s former president, Robert Mugabe.

Yet his policies led to millions of Zimbabweans now living in South Africa.

Open your eyes, look at the conditions around you, and vote correctly.


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