
LETTER – Chairman of The Giving Hands thankful for all those making a difference during Covid-19

The future is unpredictable but what is certain is that we have through this opportunity of serving a common purpose reached out to strangers, touched their hearts and felt a connection of love and care.

Life is filled with “half-empty vs half full” moments.

The latter is what Covid-19 has brought to my life.

I see myself working remotely but closer to my teams than ever before, thanks to lockdown – a step forward.

I’ve unlocked confidence in people of all races, religion, sizes and shapes to support the course of common purpose through your financial assistance, Facebook comments, personal messages of support and lastly I’ve been honoured and privileged to work with a dynamic team of volunteers – some for the first time, but definitely not the last through The Giving Hands – another step forward

I salute all of you and all of South Africa for supporting the common purpose in the name of humanity in spite of difficult economic current times and an uncertain future.

We know together we can do more and for keeping the UBUNTU spirit alive.

The future is unpredictable but what is certain is that we have through this opportunity of serving a common purpose reached out to strangers, touched their hearts and felt a connection of love and care.

The many thank you messages and smiles bonds us and makes us champions for a BIGGER, BRIGHTER tomorrow – another step forward.

May the Almighty Allah (God) bless you and your loved ones with good health and a generous heart always.

Please encourage social distancing, sanitising, wearing of fabric face masks and stay at home.

Safe regards

Muhammed Bhyat, Chairman of The Giving Hands

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