
LETTER: Open letter to the municipal manager

If it is not load shedding, it’s cable theft, or faulty cables or power boxes that burn, there’s always a new excuse.

I would like to raise my concerns about the electricity problems we experience in Ermelo that are not getting repaired properly.

Can you please let us know what the real problem is as this is an ongoing problem that does not get resolved, and I am not talking about load shedding.

We’re constantly sitting without electricity, this is causing damage to our electrical appliances, it’s an unnecessary inconvenience.

If it is not load shedding, it’s cable theft, or faulty cables or power boxes that burn, there’s always a new excuse.

My question to you Mr municipal manager is, when will things be repaired properly?

A new person was recently appointed to sort this out, but it seems that now it’s even worse.

The machine that check for cable faults is running up and down in town which cost money, but still the situation does not get any better.

Is this due to unskilled people trying to repair the problem or a shortage of proper equipment, parts etc.?

Really, this is a serious problem and it seems that it’s just not getting the necessary attention, furthermore the state of the streets in Ermelo are very poor, no proper maintenance gets done, the graveyards look like pigsties, they don’t get cleaned, your offices are filthy and smelly, service is poor, your call centre is useless and does not give the correct information to the public, street lights are not working, the dumpsite is a mess and the list goes on.

When are you going to realise that we, the rate payers, pay your salaries, its due to us that you have a job, drive nice cars etc.

There is just no proper service delivery in Ermelo, the people working in your team are arrogant and lazy, and DON’T CARE.

I am a concerned rate payer and citizen of Ermelo, things get worse by the day.

What are you going to do about this?

One of thousands of concerned citizens.

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