
A letter to Mr Malema

You were not the first inhabitants of this part of Africa.

Proud South African Citizen from Ermelo:

No, we will not leave our country and we will not give you the keys to our houses and tractors.

Because you see Mr Malema, we achieved it by working hard for it and in the process helped many others, black and white, to achieve the same.

The ANC is in fact giving back land where farms and land were taken away during apartheid, and rightly so.

On that issue Mr Malema, apartheid was wrong and evil, period.

Please try to be honest during your speeches and give your listeners the real truth about our South African history.

You were not the first inhabitants of this part of Africa.

You know very well that the first people here were the San and the Koi.

It is a fact that the majority of South Africans only long for a job to send their children to school so that they too may someday, have a job to provide them with a prosperous life, that the government rules with honesty and provide what they are supposed to provide to its people and to live in peace with all people in this country.

The ANC mostly failed in the above because South Africa is falling apart and with your hate speeches towards white and Indian people, everything is made even worse.

But I would like to thank you for taking on the incompetency of the ANC government.

Please try and do it in future without always blaming other races and please realise that only with God’s grace and wisdom, will this country and all its people be able to live in peace, harmony, safely and prosperously.

Not with hate speech towards other races.

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