
Word on the street as Ermelo residents have their say

The Highvelder took to the streets to ask residents of Ermelo where they would go for the ultimate December vacation.

Sirwadi Moloi
I would go to Pretoria or Johannesburg. Preferably to the zoo or an animal farm. I am crazy about animals in general.
Zelda Mbuyisa
I would go to Durban. I have family and friends there so I would visit them. We would go to the beach and play all the games available there
Linda Potgieter
I am a great fan of Cape Town. The people there seem free and so diverse plus it looks beautiful.
Megan Schoeman
I would definitely go somewhere sunny and hot like Mauritius. After this winter, a holiday in the sun would be awesome.
Madoda Nkosi
Caribbean Islands for sure. The blue water, the white sand and the sun is always shining. Perfect for a family vacation

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