By the wayOpinion

The price is paid at a cost

In every restaurant, in every meeting or function and even at family gatherings we all at some stage get busy on the phone and neglect our fellow human beings.

Over the past few years, times sure have changed and continue to do so.

In many cases, it has been for the good but in a lot of other instances, change has come at a price we all pay dearly for but yet we don’t seem able to calculate the cost.

The modern technology that has been crammed into the cell phone is great and has become a much needed commodity in everyday life, but it has come at a price.

Gone are the days when we would write a letter with pen and paper and send it via the post to faraway places or even to a person in the same town or right next door. The excitement and anticipation of waiting for the letter from a sweetheart to arrive in the mail box, the smell of the envelope and the sound of the envelope being ripped open have all gone.

Nowadays, we hastily press in a few short words on the cell phone that has almost grown onto our hands, and in as little time as possible and in as few words as possible we “communicate” with each other.

Yes we all are busy, rushed and tired but in many cases we have lost the ability to even have a decent conversation with the person sitting right in front of us.

In every restaurant, in every meeting or function and even at family gatherings we all at some stage get busy on the phone and neglect our fellow human beings.

The ability to spell even simple words correctly is fast disappearing and we have become unable to remember numbers. In the latter case, I’m guilty as charged.

I wonder if cell phones were able to calculate and weigh up the cost of what’s been gained, against what’s been lost, would they all self-destruct?

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