By the wayOpinion

Rules are for the people

What reason can there be for walking past a litter bin, getting into a vehicle and throwing trash out of the window before driving off?

Driving around town with a beady eye constantly on the lookout for reckless drivers who seemingly want to make all and sundry part of their own bumper-bashing excursions, one cannot help noticing the equally reckless abandon some people seem to have for rules and regulations of everyday life.

Rules and regulations should be there for everyone to abide by.

There are, however, some people who for some unfathomable reason think they don’t have to follow the yellow arrows in the parking lot of a supermarket. We all get to encounter them at some stage or another. A long and meaningful burst on the car hooter or a few words uttered through the hastily opened window may help to release one’s frustration at the guilty party. One should be careful, however, because nowadays guilty parties like to engage in fisticuffs.

Another rule many people seem to think does not apply to them is the one that says, “Do not litter”. I often wonder if the litterbugs among us have any sense of pride in themselves or their surroundings. What reason can there be for walking past a litter bin, getting into a vehicle and throwing trash out of the window before driving off?

So, yes, I will probably be told to “build a bridge and get over it”.

Building a bridge over the fact that some people abandon their “pet” dogs in the streets like pieces of trash being thrown away, or letting them wander about in the streets day after day is for me a bridge too far.

Yes, Ma’am/Sir, Fido always comes home. But what about the day he doesn’t?

Will you drive your vehicle against the yellow arrow, sit and at least think of him while eating your chocolate and then throwing the wrapper in the parking lot?

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