Screaming heebie-jeebies

Let me hasten to mention that I am also an ex-motor bike rider and I understand and appreciate the exhilarating experience of motor cycling.

At the risk of sounding like an old fuddy-duddy who has nothing better to do than complain, I have something to get off my chest and probably the chests of many others.

If one could get something off the ears, it would be so much better.

Every so often, late at night, especially over weekends, one can hear one or two motor bike riders who seem to take a delight in, …well simply put, “winding it up” with the accompanying banshee wailing of the piston-slapping motor bike engine.

One can hear the kamikaze type rider or riders either racing up and down the streets or standing, still with the engine being revved up, until the pistons and valves can be heard bouncing around like marbles being shaken in a lunch box.

Let me hasten to mention that I am also an ex-motor bike rider (I still have my old iron horse, but he has been put out to pasture) and I understand and appreciate the exhilarating experience of motor cycling. I also “get it” that at an occasional bike rally or gathering, some of the guys and gals tend to have a blast.

What I, and I’m sure many other folks who usually sleep at 01:00 or 02:00 at night, don’t understand, is why it is deemed necessary to race up and down at that time of night and create such a noise that can be heard almost anywhere in town?

Apart from the annoyance factor, crashing into a pole or tree after swerving out for a stray dog or cat is almost inevitable. One shudders to think of the consequences if a motor vehicle driver was to skip a stop street of traffic light.

Sadly, this kind of behaviour tends to give all motor cyclists and motor cycling itself a bad name.

So, we might ask: “Where are the traffic police?”

At that time of night they are probably also trying to sleep.

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