By the wayOpinion

Celebrate without fireworks

We'll be at home, hugging, petting and desperately trying to comfort our beloved dogs, while the fireworks and crackers boom and blast their noisy sounds into the night skies.

As the year draws to a close, one tends to look back on events and happenings that made either a good or bad impression on one.

We all experienced both good times and bad times, highlights and lowlights and soon it will again be time to wish one another “Happy New Year”.

For us humans, well, at least for some of the lucky ones, this time of the year means switching off from the demands of our daily jobs and for the very lucky ones, a relaxing holiday is in the offing.

Christmas is celebrated differently by different people and, sadly, in some cases not even celebrated at all. The only jingling bells is often the constant ringing of the cash register.
New Year on the other hand is celebrated by most people throughout the world.

But while other folks will be making merry and indulging in jollification spirits, I already know what my family and I will be doing.

We’ll be at home, hugging, petting and desperately trying to comfort our beloved dogs, while the fireworks and crackers boom and blast their noisy sounds into the night skies.

It is really heart-breaking to see the look in the poor animals’ eyes as they dart around, crawl in under furniture and beds in a desperate attempt to hide from the blasting and popping of crackers. Their startled sad eyes seem to plead with us: “Do something, anything to make this noise stop!”

Even though they are in the house with their snouts tucked in tightly under someone’s armpit or against one’s chest, they still become petrified.

Sure, we play soothing music and hold them close for hours on end, but still the loud popping startles the animals and causes them to shiver and whine.

Then there are people’s dogs that have to stay outside the house regardless of how noisy the neighbourhood is.

It’s truly heart-breaking to learn of dogs that have jumped over fences, wall and palisades and taken to the streets to try and escape the noise. In some cases, the animals become impaled on the sharp hooks of the palisade fencing and suffer agonising deaths.

Please, people, refrain from this cracker-shooting business from this year onwards.

Think of all the protection, unconditional love and joy your dog has given you throughout the year so far. Do you really still want to scare the living daylights out of him or her?

It’s easy to kick this nasty habit.
Just look into your Fido or Fifi’s eyes and listen to what he or she is asking you not to do.
It will melt your heart.


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