By the wayOpinion

New Year resolutions in November?

Road accidents most often cause heartbreak and hardship for the victims with months of expensive rehabilitation at one end and loss of income at the other.

It is said that the older one gets, the faster the years seem to pass by.

Well, if this is true, I must be getting pretty old pretty fast, because this past year has gone by at break-neck speed. Let me fish for some sympathy points here and say: “Or so it seems.”

At beginning of the new year there is usually a lot of hype about New Year’s resolutions being made and broken. So now you’re thinking, “What’s the old codger on about, talking about New Year’s resolutions and it’s only November?”

Well, folks, this year has not ended yet, so there is still time for us all to make one more very important and united resolution for the current year and aimed at the approaching so-called Festive Season.

That resolution is simply to drive safely, especially in the holiday season when the number of cars on the road increases tenfold.

It seems to me that sanity has been forced to take a back seat as far as some drivers are concerned. They don’t stop at stop streets; they take chances and slip through red traffic lights and either drive at frightening speeds or creep along at a snail’s pace. Single and even double barrier lines are ignored and overtaking at impossible places seems to be a new kind of sport.

The alarming number of accidents in and around the Ermelo area alone is certainly cause for grave concern.

It’s true that being in the media field we get to see and experience more accident scenes than most other people. But this doesn’t alter the fact that road accidents can and do happen more frequently towards the year end.

Road accidents most often cause heartbreak and hardship for the victims with months of expensive rehabilitation at one end and loss of income at the other.

Many of these accidents could have been avoided if rules of the road had been adhered to and the consequences of reckless and irresponsible driving had been considered before getting behind the wheel.

Yes, end of the year is party time, but here again the consequences of reckless driving and driving while under the influence of alcohol should be considered beforehand. It’s not about the fine. That can be paid and then it’s over and done with. It’s about causing pain and suffering and even death to oneself, loved ones and other innocent people.

Think about the youngsters who have just finished matric and are on the brink of adult life. The newly-weds who are starting out on a life together. A newborn baby or toddler who has brought so much joy and happiness to family and friends.

Think about all the other innocent people. Do we really want to snuff out their lives or maim them because of our inconsiderate and reckless actions?

So, come on, folks. Let’s make that resolution before it’s too late.


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