Highvelder’s Got Talent Competition kicks off with 54 entries

Auditions were held at Ligbron Akademie vir Tegnologie and a sign-up session took place at the Merino Mall.

ERMELO – The Highvelder’s Got Talent competition was launched on March 8.

Auditions were held at Ligbron Academy of Technology during the first break, as well as at an afternoon session. A total of 25 learners participated.

Marc Paterson, the event organiser and talent scout, and his team also set up shop at the Merino Mall, where members of the general public between the ages of five and 19 could enter.

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Siyabonga Vilakti during the Ligbron auditions. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

Modelling photos were taken and a link was sent to those participating in the performing arts division to upload their videos showcasing their talents.

At the mall, 29 entries were received.

“I was very impressed with the talent in Ermelo. At Ligbron, we were also extremely impressed by the quality of the staff and learners at the school. Ermelo can be proud to have an institution like this,” Paterson said.

He indicated that they would guide everyone who entered on WhatsApp on what the next steps entail.

To view some of the entrants click: HERE

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a training camp, which will be preceded by the finals where all the interregional contestants will take part.

Highvelder will keep its readers updated on the latest developments throughout the competition.

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