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Man robbed of cellphone at long-distance taxi rank in Ermelo

Capt Carla Prinsloo, spokesperson of the Ermelo police, shared a few proactive measures people can take to enhance their safety

ERMELO – In a recent incident at the long-distance taxi rank, a 40-year-old man fell victim to a cellphone robbery.

Two assailants confronted him around 09:30 that morning. One suspect allegedly restrained the victim, while the other rifled through his pockets leading to them making off with his phone.

According to Captain Carla Prinsloo, the spokesperson for the Ermelo police, incidents like these serve as a reminder for residents to remain vigilant in public spaces.

“While such occurrences are unfortunate, there are proactive measures individuals can take to enhance their personal safety,” Prinsloo said.

She gave the following tips:

  • Stay aware of your surroundings: Always be mindful of the people around you, especially in busy public areas. Avoid distractions such as staring at your phone or wearing headphones, as these may make you an easy target.
  • Secure valuables out of sight: If you need to carry items of value, make sure they are not easily visible. Use internal pockets or secure them in a bag that can be worn close to your body. This reduces the temptation for potential thieves.
  • Travel in groups: Whenever possible, travel with friends or family. There is safety in numbers, and potential criminals are less likely to target a group.
  • Inform others of your plans: Let someone know your whereabouts and expected time of arrival, especially if you’re heading to a less secure location. In case of an emergency, this information can be crucial.
  • Trust your instincts: If something feels off or makes you uncomfortable, trust your instincts and take precautions. Move to a more populated area or seek assistance from authorities.

Prinsloo emphasised fostering a culture of vigilance and preparedness is key to creating safer public spaces for everyone.

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