Three suspects appear in court in connection with dealing in dagga in eMkhondo

The police discovered seven rolls of dagga wrapped in box tape, weighing in at about 39.3kg, with an estimated street value of R58 993. The two were arrested and charged with dealing in dagga.

EMKHONDO – A man, and a man-woman pair, appeared in two separate cases in the Piet Retief Magistrate’s Court on September 26 on charges of dealing in dagga.

They were arrested in two separate incidents while travelling along the N2 near eMkhondo.

According to Brigadier Selvy Mohlala, a provincial police spokesperson, in the first incident the police received information about a person spotted with suspicious looking luggage, walking along the road.

“The police followed up. The man was found hitch-hiking, carrying a blue bag containing four plastic bags. The bags were completely wrapped in box tape,” Mohlala said.

After searching the bag, the police discovered that the man, July Nsibandze (41) from the Kingdom of eSwatini, had concealed dagga weighing about 5.1kg inside the luggage.

Its estimated street value is about R7 719.

The police discovered seven rolls of dagga wrapped in box tape. Photo Supplied | DCSSL

He was arrested and charged with dealing in dagga, as well as contravention of the Immigration Act, after the police discovered he did not have valid documentation to be in the country.

The other two, Derrick Mcunu (37) and a 33-year-old woman, were apprehended on September 25 while the police were on patrol duty on the N2 near the Commondale turn-off at about 01:30.

“The police noticed a black Nissan X-Trail with two occupants driving at a high speed towards Piet Retief. They made a U-turn in an attempt to stop the vehicle, but the driver sped away. This was followed by a high-speed chase until the car was brought to a halt.”

The police discovered seven rolls of dagga wrapped in box tape, weighing in at about 39.3kg, with an estimated street value of R58 993. The two were arrested and charged with dealing in dagga.

During his court appearance, Nsibandze was remanded in custody and his case was postponed to September 27.

The outcome was not known at the time of going to press.

Mcunu’s case was postponed to October 18 for further investigation.

The woman was released, as it was determined that she was only being given a lift by Mcunu.

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