Ermelo police’s Local Crime Record Centre receives prestigious award

The LCRC's members are responsible for collecting evidence from a crime scene, from taking photographs, removing cartridges, to taking fingerprints or samples of body fluids left at a crime scene.

ERMELO – The Ermelo SAPS’s Local Crime Record Centre (LCRC) was recently announced as the Mpumalanga provincial winner of the Crime Category Record and Crime Scene Management during the police awards.

The team, which consists of eight members, currently serves 22 different stations in the area.

They were announced as the crime bureau team of the year in the division detective and forensic services at the excellence awards for 2021/22.

Luitenant Colonel Moses Madlala.

Luitenant Colonel Moses Madlala invited the media to the office to show off their impressive team and place emphasis on the importance of protecting a crime scene from any contamination.

ALSO READ: Ermelo Police Captain shares the do’s and don’ts on crime scenes

The LCRC’s members are responsible for collecting evidence from a crime scene, from taking photographs, removing cartridges, to taking fingerprints or samples of body fluids left at a crime scene.

The members work on the rule that all evidence must first be documented before they remove it from the scene.

Read the complete article in Highvelder.

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