Phumula gender-based violence survivor advocates for women

As a GBV survivor herself, Dludlu says she will not stop until victims receive justice.

WESSELTON – As South Africa celebrates Women’s month, Busisiwe Dludlu (31) dedicates her time to assisting gender-based violence (GBV) victims in Phumula.

Through her foundation, You’re Worthy, which was established in 2018, Dludlu has taken the responsibility of ensuring that women and children in the area receive counselling by referring them to the Department of Social Development.

As a GBV survivor herself, Dludlu says she will not stop until victims receive justice.

According to her, in 2014 she was sexually assaulted and this pushed her to established the foundation and advocate for women and children.

“The time the harassment occurred, it was very hard for me, because some people didn’t understand or believe that you can be violated by your partner, especially if its sexually,” Dludlu said.

She had reported the incident to the police, but the case never saw its day in court.

“Seeing that the case was taken so lightly, took me to a very dark space and having to see him roam the streets made it worse. I received support from my family, but it didn’t ease the pain that the South African justice system had failed me. I felt so alone and saw a need to be there for other victims.”

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

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