
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure: Ermelo Bottle hunter cashes in on illegal dumpsites

In the early mornings, he visits the sites and collects as much as he can possibly carry.

ERMELO – Illegal dumpsites have become an unfortunate reality in town, and Cassim Park is no exception.

Highvelder has reported on such sites throughout town numerous times. However, amid this grim situation, Menelisi Hlatswayo, a local, has found a way to capitalise on them.

While photographing these sites, Highvelder spotted Hlatswayo picking up recyclable bottles and filling plastic bags with them.

In the early mornings, he visits the sites and collects as much as he can possibly carry.

According to him, he does not pick up all the bottles, only those that are recyclable and usually refillable, and which can be exchanged at a nearby bottle store.

“I make about R100 to R150 per day so I can feed my family. It’s bad with all these dumpsites everywhere, but at least I’m making some money from it.”

Residents have been calling on the municipality for urgent intervention to find effective solutions to illegal dumpsites.

In some areas in Wesselton where the municipality had cleaned up illegal dumpsites, they put up signs to inform the residents that they would be fined if caught dumping illegally.

Refuse dumped on the side of the road in Capricorn Avenue. Photo | Wayne van der Walt

Mandla Zwane, municipal spokesperson was again approached for comment, he said, “Illegal dumping is prevalent in public open spaces.

Some of it is also caused by construction and demolition waste illegally being dumped by tipper trucks, for example Wessels Road and Pet Street.

Awareness campaigns are conducted by the Municipality and the district, but media houses are also urged to assist in raising awareness about the effect of illegal dumping in the environment and on human health.”

Furthermore he said, the municipality is in the process of appointing bylaw enforcement officers to address these kinds of transgressions, however the public is not prevented from opening cases against people they spot illegally dumping.

“In areas where access is a challenge, the municipality through assistance from the district is graveling access roads.”

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

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