
‘Is the expectancy that we sit without water until 2024?” – Breyten resident

According to him, they are still being charged for water despite the fact that their taps have run dry.

BREYTEN – Residents claim that despite the fact that load-shedding has decreased from higher stages, they are still experiencing an ongoing water crisis.

According to one, who requested anonymity, they only had water for three days in a 16-week period.

He reported on November 16 that neither the informal settlement nor the town had had a drop of water.

“We do not accept the municipality’s answer that we must be patient until the end of 2024 when the water upgrades will be completed. We all know it will never be completed on schedule. Is the expectancy that we must sit without water for the next two years?”

According to him, they are still being charged for water despite the fact that their taps have run dry.

Highvelder has sent numerous questions to Msukaligwa Local Municipality and afforded it an opportunity to respond to certain allegations as well. The only response received was that the municipality was aware of the water challenges in Breyten.

“The implementation of the Breyten water scheme in the area and surrounds will ameliorate the situation. It is exacerbated by the prolonged electricity outages,” Mandla Zwane, the spokesperson, said.

The municipality also appealed to the community to be patient while a long-lasting solution was implemented.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

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