
Intervention team assigned to ‘poorly functioning’ Msukaligwa Municipality

It provided details of the deficiencies' impact in the municipality's performance.

ERMELO – The Executive Council (Exco) recently met to discuss various topics, including how to improve service delivery through infrastructure development.

The council is the highest committee of the political office-bearers that sets the municipality’s vision, direction and policy parameters.

This session took place ahead of the adjustment budget being tabled.

The Exco directed all departments to ensure that no underspending and accruals are recorded. Departments are also expected to reprioritise allocated funds to expedite service delivery.

The council condemned the hijacking of projects by syndicates that demand a 30% share from service providers. This, according to them, contributes to the acute severe delay for the completion of projects that are key to the delivery of services.

During the session, the Exco further considered intervention at the Msukaligwa Local Municipality.

The municipality’s governance and oversight structures were shown to be poorly functioning in a report. It provided details of the deficiencies’ impact in the municipality’s performance.

The report also included recommendations for a chief financial officer and the creation of a provincial intervention team, which will support the municipality for a period of six months under the direction of the Department of Co-operative Governance and Traditional Affairs (Cogta).

Read the complete article in Highvelder.

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