
Illegal dumping sites on the rise in Wesselton

Residents who are found guilty of illegal dumping will be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding R2 000.

WESSELTON – Illegal dumping sites are becoming more common in Phumula and the surrounds, with certain areas covered with garbage and rubbish.

Mandela Drive resembles a pigsty.

This illegal dumping not only has an impact on the residents who live nearby and poses a health risk to them, but it also poses a risk to the cattle that are roaming the area and grazing near the old wastewater treatment plant.

Although some locals are concerned about the health risks posed by these unlawful dumping sites, others are seen dumping their garbage in the same area.

Some of the refuse was seen pilling next to homes in the area.

Residents are urged to report illegal dumping to MLM call centres on 080 001 4903.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

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