
Three men sentenced to 15 years’ imprisonment for damaging signal cables at Transnet

They found the accused in a vehicle, and searched it. They found 50m of Transnet signal cable, a spade, a pick handle, some pliers and a hacksaw.

ERMELO – The Ermelo Magistrate’s Court sentenced three men from Mozambique to 15 years’ direct imprisonment for destroying essential infrastructure belonging to Transnet, theft and contravention of the Immigration Act.

In June 2021, the four accused, Alex Thabela (36), Titos Soyane (26), Thomas Mkhaba (29) and Zakes Mashaba (28), drove to the Transnet Websrust railway line near Davel and dug up and cut out the signal cable providing electricity to the railway.

Security officers received information about the four men while they were at the Websrust line.

They found the accused in a vehicle, and searched it. They found 50m of Transnet signal cable, a spade, a pick handle, some pliers and a hacksaw.

The men were subsequently arrested.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder newspaper.

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