
Tactical response unit refutes assault allegations in Ermelo

The spokesperson for the department said he spoke to the law enforcers and they refuted Van Gent’s claims.

ERMELO – Morné van Gent, a deli supervisor of the new Roots Butchery in town, claimed he was allegedly assaulted by members of a tactical response unit (TRU) on the instruction of a provincial traffic officer on 21 July.

Van Gent told the newspaper that while his employees were cleaning the fat traps on the pavement behind the butchery, he noticed a contingent of police in the area and was concerned for his employees and his safety, because he was not sure if there was a real and present danger in the area.

When he enquired about the situation from the TRU, a female traffic officer allegedly replied in her native tongue that they were there for him because he had stolen cattle. Her answer was translated to him by one of the employees.

Van Gent stated he told her to “voertsek” as he said he has never stolen cattle in his life, and he returned inside the butchery.

CCTV footage supplied by the butchery show the moment the traffic official accompanied the TRU members in full tactical gear entering the butchery through the back door.

He claims that they took him outside where four to five people began beating, kicking and pepper-sprayed him while yelling that he needed to apologise to the traffic officer.

Highvelder reached out to the police and the municipality to enquire whether they carried knowledge of the incident.

Captain Carla Prinsloo, the Ermelo police spokesperson, confirmed a case of common assault was opened.

Due to the fact that the matter involved the TRU, which does not consist of members of the Ermelo police station, Highvelder also reached out to Colonel Donald Mdhluli, a provincial police spokesperson.

ALSO SEE: VIDEO – Deli supervisor at butchery in Ermelo allegedly assaulted by members of tactical response unit

Mdhluli referred the newspaper to Brigadier Selvy Mohlala, his colleague, who upon enquiring, referred it to the Independent Police Investigative Directorate (IPID) who he stated investigates all cases involving police.

Highvelder contacted Lizzy Suping, the spokesperson for IPID, who said the case has been registered with them and they are investigating the matter.

Morné van Gent, a deli supervisor, at the new Roots Butchery in town who was allegedly assaulted on July 21.

Mandla Zwane, the spokesperson for the Msukaligwa Local Municipality, informed Highvelder that the traffic official in question was also not a local traffic officer, but from the provincial division.

He stated, however, that they do have offices in Msukaligwa where these officers are stationed.

Zwane also referred the paper to Moeti Mmusi, the Mpumalanga spokesperson for community safety, security and liaison.

Mmusi stated the law enforcers in question were patrolling the area when Van Gent began hurling insults at them.

He stated that they warned him to not interfere in police matters. He stated that Van Gent had apologised and that the matter was then resolved. He refutes all claims that they had taken any action or assaulted Van Gent.

“We’ll await the outcome of the investigation,” he concluded.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder.

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