Ermelo farmer accused of attempted murder of children

Court proceedings will resume tomorrow when Grobler is said to apply for bail.

ERMELO – The Ermelo police arrested Louis Johannes Grobler (41) in connection with attempted murder.

With his vehicle, Grobler allegedly ran over two children between the ages of 10 and 12.

Police say the incident, which involved three children, happened on farm near Ermelo on July 15 at about 14:00. Grobler was arrested the same day.

According to police, Grobler claimed a theft was allegedly committed by the three children, after which they ran away, prompting him to pursue them.

Captain Carla Prinsloo, Ermelo police spokesperson, said one of the children suffered a broken leg, another sustained minor injuries and was treated and discharged from hospital. Grobler is also said to have allegedly slapped a third child.

UPDATE: VIDEO – Protesters picket outside Ermelo Magistrate’s Court where farmer will appear

Grobler was detained over the weekend and appeared in court Monday. The case was postponed to Wednesday, 20 July, for a formal bail application.

There were farmers in the area who attended the court proceedings on Monday in support of Grobler.

Upon hearing of the incident, the EFF has also responded and issued a press release.

The statement reads, among other things, as follows:

This despicable incident is proof enough that black lives in this country still don’t matter and what is more painful is the fact that the black child continues to suffer under a black-led government.

This incident has opened old wounds and scars suffered by many black farm workers and farm dwellers in Mpumalanga.

The EFF applauds the police for acting swiftly when called and arrested the farmer in question.

The EFF will mobilise its ground forces to go pack the court in support of the families of the children. The EFF will ensure that justice is served.

Prinsloo said police will attend the court proceedings. She urged people to remain calm and to let justice take its course.

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