
Man spotted in Ermelo trying to cut down large tree

An unknown man was spotted attempting to cut down a tree on Murray Street 55.

ERMELO – An unknown man who was attempting to fell a tree, was seen at 55 Murray Street on April 26.

A resident alerted a security group about the incident.

According to the man who refused to provide his identity to Highvelder, he was ordered to cut down the tree by a woman who lives in the area.

She allegedly said it was too close to her brother’s property and she wanted to make fire with the wood.

The Msukaligwa Local Municipality’s by-laws relating to the cutting down of trees are clear.

The women who ordered the tree to be removed, allegedly said the tree was in front of her brother’s property and she wanted to make fire with the wood.

Planting or removing shrubs in public areas does not require a written permit from the municipality.

“No individual shall cut, remove, dig up, fell, burn, pluck, break, climb up or upon, or cause damage to timber or to any tree without the consent of the municipality, that is illegal,” municipal spokesman, Mandla Zwane, said.

The municipality encourages residents to report any illegal activities on the municipal call centre on any of the following numbers: 017 801 3500/017 801 3400/086 116 7852/079 503 6729/079 503 5484.

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