
Ermelo English Primary School shares Christmas message

To the parents, thank you for your loyalty towards our school. It’s wonderful to work with children who strive to grow in strength.

It’s that time of the year! Christmas trees with tinsel are everywhere to be seen.

This year is nearing its end, and it is a privilege to look back and realise that we faced many challenges, but by the grace of God, we were able to achieve exceptional achievements.

I sincerely want to thank the educators of Ermelo English Primary School (EPS) for their hard work and dedication to ensure every child received good quality education.

Thank you to the SGB for supporting our efforts during 2021.

To the parents, thank you for your loyalty towards our school. It’s wonderful to work with children who strive to grow in strength.

To the learners of EPS, you are the best.

This is a festive season, and we should spend time with our family and loved ones. Never forget those who are less fortunate.

May we all remember that Christmas is all about the birth of our Savior, Jesus.

May we feel God’s presence in this holy Christmas Season. May He guide and bless you through a bright and happy 2022.

Season’s greetings
Marina Kriel, principal of Ermelo English Primary School

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