
Revellers at Ermelo Sport-Inn and Pet Dam contravene municipal by-laws

The fine will not exceed R2 000 or in default of payment of any fine imposed, imprisonment for a person not exceeding six months.

ERMELO – Partygoers are having a jolly time in the Ermelo Sport-Inn parking lot and at the Pet Dam near the old public swimming pool over weekends. Both situated in a residential area.

Highvelder previously reported, “Life goes on for partygoers near Pet Dam” on October 15.

The newspaper sent media enquiries to Mr Mandla Zwane, the spokesman for Msukaligwa Local Municipality.

According to him, there is a municipal by-law relating to nuisances.

It states, “No person shall disturb the public peace in any public place by making unseemly noises.”

The by-law further stipulates that subject to obtaining prior written approval of the council, no person, being in or on any private premises, shall disrupt the public peace in the neighbourhood of such premises by making therein or thereon any unseemly noise, shouting, quarrelling, wrangling, singing or the continuous playing of musical instruments, radios or the like or over-loud use of loudspeakers, or the like.

Under the topic of offences against decency and morality are:

  • No person shall be or appear in any public place in a state of intoxication.
  • No person shall litter upon any street or footpath, which might in any way endanger the safety of pedestrians, or pollute the environment.

If residents contravene or fail to comply to the by-law they shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine from any officer or employee of the council.

The fine will not exceed R2 000 or in default of payment of any fine imposed, imprisonment for a person not exceeding six months.

Mr Zwane said residents can report disturbances to the municipal call centre on 079 503 5484, 079 503 6729, 086 116 7852, 017 801 3500 or 017 801 3400.

The call centre will refer the complaint to the relevant section/department.

Highvelder sent additional enquiries to Mr Zwane regarding how long it will take for authorities to respond to the issue once the report has been made, however, the newspaper awaits a response.

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