
Police sergeant stationed at Hendrina Police Station, shoots wife and turns gun on himself

The provincial commissioner of the South African Police Service in Mpumalanga, Lt Gen Mondli Zuma, has strongly condemned incidents of domestic violence involving members of the police.

A 45-year-old police sergeant is alleged to have shot and killed his 35-year-old wife and injured her two brothers before turning the gun on himself, on 21 June.

According to information received, the officer, who was stationed at Hendrina Police Station, reportedly got into a heated argument with his wife, prompting her to move out.

She then asked her brothers to accompany her to fetch her belongings, however, upon arriving at the house, a scuffle broke out.

The member then allegedly drew his firearm, shot and injured her brothers and then took his wife into the house where he shot her and then turned the gun on himself.

Police and medical personnel were summoned to the scene and upon arrival found the sergeant and his wife lying in a pool of blood and certified them dead.

Police opened a case of murder, two counts of attempted murder as well as an inquest.

The two surviving victims were rushed to hospital for medical assistance.

The provincial commissioner of the South African Police Service in Mpumalanga, Lt Gen Mondli Zuma, has strongly condemned incidents of domestic violence involving members of the police.

He stated that he is deeply disturbed by the incident, more so because it was committed by a police officer, which he said was regrettable.

He reiterated that people should refrain from using violence to resolve domestic issues.

Lt Gen Zuma indicated that police management view this incident in a very serious light and warned other members not to emulate any unlawful act which has the potential to tarnish the image of the police.

“As the police, we have our Employee Health and Wellness Unit, which members can use whenever they experience any personal issues.

“Their services are readily available as well as accessible to all members.

“We cannot allow a situation where gender-based-violence, is perpetuated by members within our ranks – especially during this period where there has been a public outcry of such incidents.

“Members should be there to remedy the situation not to exacerbate the already unacceptable pressure,” General Zuma concluded.

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