Ermelo locals share what lockdown has taught them

According to Mr Mpumelelo Nkosi, his realisations has been that although an elaborate lifestyle is fun and enjoyable, it is really not the essence of life.

Ermelo residents shared what they have learned during the Covid-19 national lockdown on 5 April.

Residents have now spent 10 days in lockdown and had the following to say:

Ms Kimberley Malinga, a resident, said: “I’ve realised just how casually South Africans have taken this pandemic, this is new to us we’ve never experienced such an issue as a country and I do hope we start staying home until this virus has been taken care of. ”

She said, her lockdown experience has been good for her health and emotional state, she has been eating healthier and spending time with loved ones.

According to Mr Mpumelelo Nkosi, his realisations has been that although an elaborate lifestyle is fun and enjoyable, it is really not the essence of life.

Mr Nkosi, said: “Relationships with family and being in a healthy space with my loved ones and God is much more important.

“I do, however, miss having contact with people other than my family too.”

Ms Renusha Fourie, a resident and mother of three boys, said, she does not know if it is the way our minds have suddenly been programmed, but bonds within her family are growing stronger.

Ms Fourie added, “Being a mum to three boys can be challenging at times and today I got thoroughly tested.

“Each one of my sons wanted to do something different, one wanted to play outside, another wanted to play on the PlayStation while the third just wanted some attention.

She said, as a working mother, she realised that she has not been able to give them her undivided attention, however, during this lockdown it is unbelievable how much time she now has to do so.




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