
Tensions simmer about service delivery issues in Amsterdam

According to a source, who wished to remain anonymous, residents are tired of the municipal load shedding that was implemented about two months ago.

Disgruntled residents of Amsterdam burned tires and logs and barricaded main entries into Amsterdam on 13 March.

This was to voice their dissatisfaction regarding Mkhondo Local Municipality’s response to the memorandum that was handed over to them.

Resident held a peaceful march on 6 March to raise their concerns over service delivery issues with the municipality and gave them 72 hours to respond.

According to a source, who wished to remain anonymous, residents are tired of the municipal load shedding that was implemented about two months ago.

Mkhondo Municipality is one of the municipalities which owe Eskom millions.

They added that some areas experience power outage of up to five hours.

This has devastating consequences to small businesses.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder newspaper.

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