(In case you missed it): Highvelder’s top stories of the week

In case you missed the top stories for the week you can read it here

In case you missed the top stories for the week you can read it here

1. Wenk van boer en ACSU se flink optrede laat diewe aan die pen ry – https://bit.ly/2u0ByHF

Die vermeende brandstof diewe se wegkom-motor is deur ACSU se reaksiespan tot stilstand gebring. (Foto: Verskaf)

2. Water quality in Chrissiesmeer not up to residents’ standards – https://bit.ly/388LBJg

A residents scoops water from taps out of a bucket to boil in Chrissiesmeer.

3. Three police officers sustain injuries after protesters on Piet Retief Road hurls bricks at them – https://bit.ly/2Tsvdzn

Residents protest outside Mooiplaats Mine on 16 January.

4. MEC Shongwe plans to restore Lindile Secondary School to its former glory – https://bit.ly/30oByNH

MEC Shongwe briefs various departments at Lindile Secondary School on 15 January.

5. GALERY EN VIDEOS – Groot opgewondenheid tydens eerste dag in die groot skool: https://bit.ly/2G30f9b

Mark-James de Villiers van Laerskool JJ van der Merwe loer vir oulaas na sy ouers.
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