
Ermelo residents fed up with illegal dumpers having a ‘field’ day

He said that the paper and plastic bags that have been blown over the concrete fences, end up on his property, where his cattle graze.

To residents of Ermelo it seems as though people dumping their rubbish illegally are having a ‘field’ day in Msukaligwa.

The illegal dumpsites all over town are an eyesore and not only cause environmental pollution, but also pose serious health risks.

A resident, living near the Ermelo dumpsite, raised concerns about the state of the municipal dumpsite and the road leading to it.

He said that the paper and plastic bags that have been blown over the concrete fences, end up on his property, where his cattle graze.

The Highvelder have send a media enquiries to Msukaligwa Municipality about the state of the dumpsite as well as the numerous illegal dumping site all over town, but they have not yet responded.

Read the complete article in the Highvelder newspaper.

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