
Gert Sibande District Municipality fix road in Morgenzon

Although some of the residents did not think that it will last, they are surprised that the road is still in a good condition almost two months after the completion of the intersection.

The residents of Morgenzon are carefully optimistic about the recent maintenance to the roads in Morgenzon.

Mr Corné van Dijk, business owner in Morgenzon, said: “It looks very neat, but it is very thin layer of tar.”

Although some of the residents did not think that it will last, they are surprised that the road is still in a good condition almost two months after the completion of the intersection.

According to Ms Bongi Ka Dube, spokesman of Gert Sibande District Municipality, the project was completed on 20 May.

She added that the road in Morgenzon is a provincial road and GSDM was assisting  in order for the road to be usable, while the Province finalising the designs for the main scope.

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